OUR Story

In 2005, Mark was working as a contract field technician for a company that sold large-scale self-propelled compost turners. In his responsibilities for field assembly of new machines and ensuring the machines' functioning integrity at the customers site, Mark found himself troubleshooting challenging hydraulic problems that had been missed in the final stages of manufacturing. Mark’s hydraulics supplier recognized his natural talent in mastering complex mechanical and hydraulics projects, and urged him to pursue more involvement in the hydraulics industry.

When the next compost turner was ordered, Mark was fully in charge of building the machine's complex hydraulic system, as well as managing the project through its final pre-ship assembly. Mark and his brother Paul decided to incorporate Troyer Brothers and two employees who had been with Mark in some other ventures came on full time as the initial crew. As he worked closely with a nearby large-scale manufacturing company for the fabrication portions of by process, Mark began to notice bottlenecks and inefficiencies that dramatically affected the production schedule.

A few months later,Troyer Brothers received a contract to design and build a complex mechano-hydraulic tobacco-harvesting machine for a large international company. The project came with a non-negotiable deadline that demanded a brisk production pace. Complications in the multi-company supply chain went from bad to worse. Precious production time slipped away as key suppliers waited on delayed materials. The machine arrived at the Troyer Brothers shop for hydraulics and final assembly several weeks behind schedule, and the hard deadline now presented a daunting challenge. To make matters worse, the failures in communication in the production chain had resulted in fabrication errors and improper components. The Troyer Brothers crew rolled up their sleeves, and, amassing an enormity of man-hours and personal sacrifice, had the machine aboard the ship for its scheduled departure.

But some things had to change. Turnaround time and mistakes between component production suppliers was severely hampering the efficiency and accuracy of the production process. Troyer Brothers stepped forward to meet the need. First came the engineering department. Next came welding and fabrication. Soon, precision machining was added. As obstacles to production and assembly have fallen away, project capacities and opportunities have increased. A major capability became in-house when a part-cutting laser was installed in October 2012. In 2013, the shop gained new capabilities in PLC programming, automation, and servo motor controls.

Although our production capabilities are broad, our company has remained relatively small. This allows us to maintain the agility and responsiveness we need in order to provide excellent customer service. Troyer Brothers employees love the always-new challenges, the variety of projects, and the hard-working, friendly, customer-focused company culture. Each department−engineering, hydraulics, welding/fabrication, precision machining and laser cutting−has the flexibility, depth of capability, and man-power for serious dedicated stand-alone production. Yet all departments coordinate seamlessly to effectively design, manufacture, and execute projects requiring complex mechanical, hydraulic, and micro-electrical system integration.

It is our goal to continually seek out and overcome production hurdles in order to offer excellence in the full scope of services we offer, and to serve as your one-stop solution for metal fabrication, part manufacturing, and machine production. We invite you to join our growing customer family!


"Troyer Brothers design team has used ingenuity to provide us with a greatly improved machine for our clients."

Troyer Brothers Inc | 6691 W State Road 124 | Decatur, IN 46733
© 2025 All rights received